Monday, December 7, 2020

Financial Services professionals can create a Vlog and Team building video all at once

 Watch this sample of a 

Sales team Leadership video

and a daily Vlog trip from 

Fresno to Antioch / Pittsburgh, California on Amtrak . . .

Are you way tooooo busy to create 

your own promotional content?

Find a fun way to integrate your daily trips into 

your sales team training and leadership lessons.

Going to the grocery store?

Have fun with it!

Let your team see that you are thinking of them, while still taking time for your own family to get things done.

How do you create a VLOG?

Just ask me how.

Watch. Like. 
Subscribe please.

Self-Employed opportunities usually require a lot of work and proper planning.

I hope this video helps any professional who is starting their planning phase of 2021.

When people search 

Buy Life Insurance near me

soon one of your VLOG posts will pop up in your city!

Blog created by:

George Ohan

Digital Content Producer

U.S. Army Veteran

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Tell Hulu to stop price-gouging customers during a pandemic on Change . org

This is posted on

Tell Hulu to stop price-gouging customers

Read the petition.

Hulu announced without warning that it would be increasing its monthly price for Hulu Live by an extra $10 a month beginning December 2020. This comes on the heels of a similar price hike within the last 12 months. The price will go from $54.99 a month to $64.99 a month on Dec. 18. Since May of 2017, when Hulu Live was launched, the monthly price has increased from $40.99 to now $64.99. If you have Hulu Live without commercials, you'll soon be paying $70.99 a month.

To increase pricing by this much without offering any new services or fixing any existing problems, and to do so right before the holidays and during a pandemic, is unconscionable. It is clear that Hulu recognizes many people are watching more television since the pandemic, and the company is capitalizing on that.

While streaming is a luxury and not a right, it still should be something that is affordable to most people who want it. What's more, the idea that a company can increase fees to a service without any fair warning, without any options, and without giving a good reason why leads to anger and distrust among consumers. This is simply bad business and it's unethical.

Please tell Hulu that its unfair price hikes are a disservice to loyal customers.


Why did Hulu do this?

Is it their strategy for PRICING 

that supports this action? 


What Are the 4 Ps?


  • The four Ps are the four essential factors involved in marketing a good or service to the public.

  • These are the four Ps: the product (the good or service); the price (what the consumer pays); the place (the location where a product is marketed); and promotion (the advertising).

  • The concept of the four Ps has been around since the 1950s; as the marketing industry has evolved, the concepts of people, process, and physical evidence have become important components of marketing a product, too.

The term 'marketing mix' is a foundation model for businesses, historically centered around 





The marketing mix has been defined as the "set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market"

Reference link is posted above for the 4 Ps.
Financial Literacy Film Festival 

Blog posted by:
George Ohan
U.S. Army Veteran
International Entrepreneur 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Language and science of persuasion in sales and marketing for self employed people

Posted by:

George Ohan

U.S. Army Veteran

Science Of Persuasion

1. Reciprocity.
We are obliged to give if we have been given something.
2. Scarcity.
If it's scarce, we want it more. Use this by highlighting the Benefits, Uniqueness and Possible Loss.
3. Authority.
We are more likely to comply with a request if it is coming from a perceived authority/expert.
4. Consistency.
We want to be consistent with our past commitments, even if the initial commitment is much smaller.
5. Liking.
We like people who are similar, who give us compliments and who co-operate with us.
6. Consensus.
If others (especially similar others) are doing it, then we are more likely to do it ourselves.

Watch it on YouTube

10 Persuasive Words 

sales people may use 

to generate a sale

1. Request
2. Suggestion
3. May I?
4. Let's process this together
5. Let me get back to you
6. Unpack
7. Choose
8. Partnership
9. Discover
10. Explore

Watch the video on YouTube

Sales training is very important for a person who is building a business.



Let's build.

George and Heidi Ohan
Hollywood, California

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Financial services professionals learn more about Google and search results to improve sales

15 minutes to complete entire Marketing Drill

Blog 3-4 minute read

 MONEY TALK with George Ohan

Designed for Financial Services representatives who want a more solid presence on Google.

Digital Drill Thursday!

SAY that FAST 3 times!!! 
Sheesh!!  :-)

EVERY one of our friends who we are in business with, in Team Epic, should do this today:

GOOGLE SEARCH 5 things. 
So we can have a better understanding of what our potential customers see when they use Google in our local area. 

I like to put myself in the seat of the person sitting across from me. . .   

GOOGLE it and check the first 2-5 pages of Google search.
This is GREAT business intelligence for you!
Next Level marketing data for your personal business!

A. Buy life insurance in Fresno ( or your city )
B. Financial Literacy in Fresno  ( or your city )
C. Financial Services in Fresno ( or your city )
D. Financial Literacy Film Festival 
E. Business Leadership in Fresno ( or your city )

Ask yourself:
1. What does my potential client see when they Google search for services like mine? 
Your Competition?
Anybody else from your organization?
2. What would I HEAR, listening to myself? 
Am I asking deep questions?
Am I listening enough?

3. As a buyer or prospect, what are my true feelings?
Fear of making the wrong decision?
Trust or Credibility of the selling agent?

NOW that you have completed your 5 Google searches, and put some thought into the questions above, you are ready to improve your position on Google.

Just ask us how!

Let's build. 
Teach. Coach. Mentor. is our motto.

This short message is part of our community efforts for Financial Literacy. 

We want people to learn how to earn a sustainable living wage, without a 9-5 job. 

This can be possible if we leverage the currently existing digital technologies available to us all. 

When we earn income, we earn dignity, confidence and self-esteem.

Sponsored by: 

The Financial Literacy Film Festival is happy to provide new information about earning income to our local communities. 

#TeamEpic #LetsBuild
#FinLitFilmFest #FinLitFilmFest2021

Thank you for your time!


George Ohan
Fulton Film Company
Fresno, CA 

Veteran Owned 
Digital marketing and film production services

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Tips for Facebook group moderator and admin to keep delete spam

How can I keep my Facebook group spam free 
and create a high quality experience
for my group members?

Do not add every person who wants to join your group.

Delete and Remove the content that 
makes the group less valuable.

If people post content that does not belong, most of the time it is not a mistake. These people purposely join hundreds of groups to spam their content and move on. 

As a moderator or admin of a Facebook group a big responsibility is to ensure that your group members are not being annoyed or bothered by these spammers. 

CLEAN the Facebook group
by deleting bad content
or content that 
is not available

REMOVE the post



MUTE 28 days

Mute for the Max


REMOVE the person

Remove and Block 
to save time
in the future

Air Bnb Puerto Rico
Facebook group for travel and tourism

Do you have a virtual assistant?

You may need one to help you. . . 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Bruce B. Gordon is the inspiration on planet Earth

Scroll ALL the way down to watch the VIDEO.

This blog is about a ONE social media post.

Shall we continue. . . ?

 If you ever need a good dose of POSITIVITY backed by a thought provoking, 

digital kick in the butt, 

to get you highly motivated 

then Bruce B. Gordon is your guy!

Bruce is an intelligent filmmaker with creativity beyond the imagination of most regular humans. 

He posts daily tips and valuable information on his social media platforms, and every once in awhile I will see a post that really sticks with me. . . .


Be Brave

Broken pieces stacked up stand tall

pine cone, seashell and rocks

A new pumpkin life starts


Change is constant 

Build your environment

mint in pottery


Dried red jalapeno peppers



Like his page too!

I just like it. . . 

I like how people respond to his post.

I like how it provokes thought in myself. . 

It's just plain ol' inspirational if you ask me!

Was that his intention?

Did Bruce think people would respond this way?

I am writing a BLOG about a single post on Facebook made by my buddy Bruce. . . . .  

This is DEEP! 


Monday, June 29, 2020

The Movie Theatres at The Villages supporting patriotic films on the Big Screen

Powerfully Patriotic Films Programmed At The Movie Theatres at The Villages  

In honor of our Nation’s 244th anniversary, The Movie Theatres At The Villages have programmed some very powerful patriotic content to be shown on the big screen. 

Opening at The Barnstorm, Brownwood Paddock Square, in it’s premiere national theatrical run, the independent narrative film, “The Outpost”, based on the novel, “The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor”,  by Jake Tapper. 

Scott Eastwood stars in a powerful story of badly outnumbered US Soldiers banding together to battle a force of Taliban fighters at a remote outpost in Afghanistan. The film is rated R and runs for 2 hours and 3 minutes.

The Old Mill Playhouse in Lake Sumpter Landing, welcomes US Army Chaplain Justin Roberts’ film “No Greater Love” for a fifth anniversary encore week booking. 

“No Greater Love” explores Chaplain Roberts’ deployment as he and his men fight through a hellish tour in one of the most dangerous places in Afghanistan. The film also deals the team’s struggles to reintegrate at home. 

The Old Mill Playhouse is extremely honored to have Chaplain Roberts introduce the film and bring audiences up to date on his current projects  live via Skype from his home in Louisiana at Sunday and Tuesday nights show at 6:30 pm.  The film is not rated and runs 1 hour and 34 minutes. 

Visit for more information about this exciting and courageous film.

To sing in the 4th Of July in style, both the Old Mill Playhouse and The Barnstorm Theatre welcome the theatrical premiere of the wildly popular and patriotic Amazon title, “National Anthem Girl”, a new documentary about gratitude and The Nation Anthem. 

Janine Stang, aka The National Anthem Girl, commits herself to a goal of singing our Nation’s most sacred of songs in all 50 states and takes our Villagers community along in this 78 minute unrated documentary.  

Janine herself will be introducing the film in person via Skype Friday night at the 7pm show at the Old Mill Playhouse and at the 7 pm show on Saturday night at The Barnstorm Theatre. 

For more information on the film visit:

Impact Releasing / VetFlicks
Let's connect

Blog posted by:
Fulton Film Company
Fresno, California